
Kiddush Sponsor Form

  • Please join us for our weekly Kiddush immediately following the service. The kosher Kiddush is provided on a volunteer basis by members of our minyan who may have a joyous occasion to celebrate, a milestone to mark, or a family member they wish to honor. Often the Kiddush is prepared simply to honor the Sabbath. Our Kiddush affords us a collective opportunity to break bread, to partake of Tickey Kaplan's most delicious and widely praised cholent, to share the news of the week, relax into the Shabbat tempo, and enjoy the warmth and companionship that emanate from this community.

    Your sponsorship makes this beautiful community gathering possible. 

  • Click here to see which weeks are still open for sponsorship. If your week is taken please call 610-710-5885 to see what can be arranged.

  • Credit Card
    Billing Address
  • $0.00
  • Note: To enable everybody to celebrate their simchas together, you might not be the exclusive sponsor of the Kiddush.

    Please reserve your kiddush date as early as possible.

  • Looking for the correct hebrew date?

     To find out the proper date to celebrate or commemorate your special occasion please click here.

  • Should be Empty:
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